First off, I had an amazing 30th in Maui.  Props to my amazing wife Katy for putting it all together.  And yes, I am now officially at an age where, according some, I cannot be trusted. C’est la vie.

Second, Google just released their neato Google MyMaps functionality which incidentally allows you to post pics (flickr) and video clips (youTube) on your maps.  The upshot is I got to build a really amazing  map of my recent vacation to Maui.

Is this the future of the proverbial vacation photo album?  I dunno but to quote the youngin’s – "it’s hella really cool."

Check it out:

Of course this "Web 2.0-ization" of geography will have all sorts of interesting applications to the business world too but for now, let’s just bask in the coolness that is Web 2.0 Google Maps mashups.


